What do .com.au, .net.au, .id.au, .asn.au .org.au, represent?
.com.au is used by commercial entities such as companies with an Australian Company Number and businesses registered with State governments. (ie. www.webstop.com.au)
.net.au is recommended for organizations and companies that are using the Internet as an integral part of their operations (ie. www.webstop.net.au)
.id.au is reserved for the people of Australia to create their own online identity (ie. www.tomjones.id.au).
.asn.au .asn.au is for incorporated associations, trade unions, political parties, sporting and special interest clubs, and partnerships between disparate organizations. (ie. www.webstop.asn.au)
.org.au is for verifiable non-profit and charitable organizations. (ie. www.webstop.org.au)
What is an Australian and International Domain Name?
A domain name is basically an alpha-numeric name or address used to identify a computer. Think of it as a phone number - except words instead of numbers. The most common reason for registering a domain name is if you want to build a website - but is also required if you want to set up mail, ftp, or any other service where you need a unique address corresponding to your brand, business or name.
How do I register a new domain name?
Fill in the domain name that you wish to register in the search box of WebStop and follow the prompts.
What can I do if the requested domain is unavailable?
You can choose another extension to the domain (.com.au, .com) or change the writing of your domain name. System automatically suggests nearest availability of closest Domain Names to your request
How do I check if a domain name is available?
Fill in the search box located on all pages of WebStop.
What is a Hosting Package?
Hosting (also known as Web site hosting and Web hosting) is the business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Web sites.
I just registered a domain name. How long until I can use it? 
A certain amount of time will elapse before a domain is fully registered and thus active on the Internet. Generally, allow 24-48 hours between purchase and activation. In the interim, you will not be able to publish or view your site, receive email messages or make use of your domain name. Similarly, if you make any changes to your domain name, such as modifying the DNS or name servers attached to your domain name, it will take up to 48 hours before the changes are implemented.
What are the rules for registration of .biz, .com, .info, .net, .org, and .ws names?
The .com, .info, .net, .org, and .ws TLDs are globally available and unrestricted. Traditionally, however, names in .net have been used by organizations involved in Internet infrastructure activities — typically ISPs (Internet Service Providers) — while .org is frequently used by non-commercial organizations. .biz is available to businesses only. Albeit unrestricted, usage of the .info TLD implies that the site content is of a primarily informative nature.
How do I renew my domain-name registration?
Login with you username and password and update your domain Registration through your control panel. You are automatically notified via email 3 months before expirery, Australian Domain Names registration period is 2 years and International Domain Names are 1- 10 years.
What do I enter as contact information for my domain name?
Enter your name, address, phone number, email address, company affiliation, etc. Be sure to include accurate and updated information. The registrar relies on this contact information if it needs to reach you with issues concerning your domain name. You must complete the Registrant part of the contact information form. If you wish to, you can elect to apply the registrant information to the technical, administrative and billing contacts as well.
URL Forwarding
URL forwarding lets you point your domain to your existing website without spending lots more on hosting. For example, if you registered the domain name mycompany.com, you make www.mycompany.com point to another URL - say, one hosted with your ISP - or even a free hosting service.
The advantage of this, is that you can get rid of your long URL address, such as:
http://www.yourISP.com/users/yourname/ and replace it with your own brand. URL forwarding can also offer significant savings over traditional domain hosting. With our unique URL management facility, you can specify where to point your domain as well as providing a title and META tags for search engines.
What does it mean to park a domain name?
Essentially, to park a domain name means to reserve your registered domain until you have created the site content, found a hosting provider, or sold the domain to a third party. When you park your site, a temporary Web page will be displayed until you have decided what to do with the domain. Domain name parking is often used by registrants who do not yet have a hosting provider.
How do I 'un-park' (i.e. activate) my domain name
Once you have determined which hosting provider you will use, WebStop or another you must change the name server information so that the site is no longer parked. Click on the Modify Name Servers links and update your names servers to point to the hosting provider.
This change can take up to 48 hours to take effect.


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